Sunday, August 23

Little Bits

Linus Pauling, a chemist and noble prize winner from the mid-20th century, once said, "The best way to have a good idea is to have a lot of ideas."

So here's a little bit about a few things...

I laugh a little bit whenever a tourist falls on the subway, it makes me feel like I'm a real New Yorker. Why is it that everything that makes me feel like a real New Yorker has to include something bitchy?

I fell in love...with this new blog, Alphafemme. She makes me want to be more honest, more open, more vulnerable; so here is something a little bit honest and open and vulnerable...sometimes I want to fail, just so my parents don't have anything to boast about to their friends.

Why do we say congratulations when we find out that someone we know gets engaged? Isn't that a little bit like saying, "Whoa. You found someone to look at you every morning for the rest of your life. Way to go!" Is finding someone to love us an accomplishment? Seriously, is it?

I recently met this boy...I don't think I want to kiss him, but I've thought a little bit about it. He's very nice.

If you haven't seen the movie Adam yet, a seemingly stereotypical love story that is anything but stereotypical, you should really see it. It's heartbreaking and empowering and funny, and I might have cried...a little bit.

The New York City Department of Health lists more than 20,000 restaurants on their "Restaurant Inspection Information" web site. You'd think that it wouldn't be so fucking hard to find a job. I'm having a little bit of trouble; though, in all fairness, I'm not really trying that hard.

I joined facebook. I'm a little bit scared that it will drain me of my quirky, nerdy, naive charm; be on the lookout for my next post, "How I was raped by facebook."


Anonymous said...

ohmygosh, you fell in love with me! err, my blog. haha. so flattered :)

Anonymous said...

also... sometimes I want to fail too, just so people stop having expectations.

Stephanie said...

Yes - definitely your blog. I'm no homewrecker. :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Stephanie,

Just wanted to let you know how much I love this blog. I'm recently out only to myself and a couple of close friends and have sought out pretty much every lesbian blog in existence since I first started questioning my sexuality. Yours is by far my fave and I always go back and reread your posts on accepting yourself and loving your sexuality. I am nowhere near feeling that way at this point in my life, but your posts make me feel like it could be a possibility for me one day.

You are a great writer (have a really nice way of putting things) and I look forward to reading more.

Good luck in New York! I lived there for a year out of college, and it was one of the most fun periods of my life.

Stephanie said...


Everybody's journey is different, which is what makes everybody's journey beautiful. Whenever I'm having self-doubtful thoughts, I always remind myself of these three words: compassion, patience, and fun.

Thank you for your very kind words.
