Tuesday, February 24

Stand Up 2 Live

Henry David Thoreau, an author from the 19th century, once said, "How vain it is to sit down to write when you have not stood up to live."

This week, I don't have anything to say because this week, I've been busy standing up...or in dirtier and more accurate words, getting laid. Sometimes I forget that I need to take time away from my computer pad in order to be the kind of writer that I want to be; the kind of writer that stands up to live so that I can be inspiring and intentive when I do sit down to write. So, instead of sitting here banging out a blog entry, I'm going to turn off my computer...and you know...bang something else.

1 comment:

jb said...

Amen sister..... to you and getting laid. Hey,if and when you turn your computer back on, come check out my blog, I think your going to find it pleasantly enjoyable.

As for the Thoreau quote...funny it's hanging in front of me as I bang on my key board. Funny , strange and real this world we live in.

I think also I will take your advice and turn this freaking thing off and go get meself a good old lay, kitty style, hold the drama and easy on the talking and heavy on the laying, but when it comes to women you never freaking know PMS=drama=tears=talking......good luck.
